Kuchaler (クチャラー - Noisy Eater)

Sep 20, 2017 17:32
Yesterday, I introduced "mayoler" (マヨラー), which means mayonnaise lovers, and "kechaler" (ケチャラー), which means ketchup lovers.

There is another slang term, "kuchaler" (クチャラー), the sound of which is similar to "kechaler."

If you chew something without closing your mouth, the chewing sound will be heard by others.

In Japan, this sound is represented by an onomatopoeia, "kucha kucha" (くちゃくちゃ).

Because of this, people who eat something while opening the mouth and making the sound have come to be called "kuchaler."

Almost all kuchalers don't seem to be aware of the chewing sound, but it can make many people unpleasant, so please be careful not to be a kuchaler.






No. 1 Bender_Rodriguess's correction
  • Yesterday, I introduced "mayoler" (マヨラー), which means mayonnaise lovers, and "kechaler" (ケチャラー), which means ketchup lovers.
  • Yesterday, I introduced "mayoler" (マヨラー), which means "mayonnaise lovers"; and "kechaler" (ケチャラー), which means "ketchup lovers."
  • There is another slang term, "kuchaler" (クチャラー), the sound of which is similar to "kechaler."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If you chew something without closing your mouth, the chewing sound will be heard by others.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In Japan, this sound is represented by an onomatopoeia, "kucha kucha" (くちゃくちゃ).
  • In Japan, this sound is represented by an onomatopoeia: "kucha kucha" (くちゃくちゃ).
  • Because of this, people who eat something while opening the mouth and making the sound have come to be called "kuchaler."
  • Because of this, people who eat something while opening the mouth and making the sound have come to be called "kuchaler."
     This is grammatically fine. As an alternative, though, you could say this:

    Because of this, people who make this sound by chewing with their mouths open have come to be called "kuchaler."
  • Almost all kuchalers don't seem to be aware of the chewing sound, but it can make many people unpleasant, so please be careful not to be a kuchaler.
  • Almost all kuchalers don't seem not to be aware of the chewing sound, but it can make many people unpleasant uneasy, so please be careful not to be a kuchaler.
     You could also say this:

    Almost all kuchalers seem to be unaware of the chewing sound.

    This is probably a better option, since you don't have to deal with awkward negative words like "don't" and "not."
Well done! Keep up the good work! :)
Thank you very much for correcting my post! (^^)